Hello all! We are finally posting pictures from Labor day! We are having camera difficulties - so are down 1 camera lens temporarily. So - needless to say, our picture taking has declined over the last few weeks. But alas - we found a FEW cute pictures from our weekend trip to West Palm Beach & Miami. Had a great time and spent lots of hours on the beach. We collected sea shells & sharks teeth, made sand castles and animals sculptures in the sand. We also swam in the ocean and Emma eventually enjoyed the waves (especially when Dada held her). She also had a ball at the hotel pool & large water slide. Of course, she just plain enjoyed hanging out with her little friends (Austin, Hailey, & Collin)! Emma also got in a quick visit with her Uncle Bryan - which was a lot of fun! We got to eat Cuban sandwiches, shop, swim, and see the sights in Miami!
On another note, Emma had her 18 month check up last week. She did great - although wouldn't perform her talking for her doctor. (Dr. Andrew overheard her saying "Emma" though as she walked in the room). Her new stats are similar to last time: Weight - 23# 11 oz (40%), Height - 31 1/8" (35%), and Head Circumference - 18 3/4" (75%). She is running (notice I didn't say walking), climbing, kicking, talking, drawing....all the things she should be doing at this age. Oh yeah, except for sleeping. Ok she sleeps - but not well. We are having nighttime sleeping bootcamp right now in the McCully house. It's been 3 nights of crying it out to make Emma realize that she doesn't get to wake up in the middle of the night and get in our bed. So far so good...getting a little better each night. We won't even discuss naps :-)
Anyway - Emma is officially talking! Each day she learns 1-2 new words. Today it was "cheese" and "baby." Over labor day she learned "boat," and last week learned "onion" while helping Mama and Grandma Sue cook...and the list goes on and on!