Emma and I went to the Brevard Zoo this week (it's just a tour of zoo's around here!) We had a blast. We did everything! We saw {almost} all of the animals, we had a picnic, we went to the petting zoo, we played on the playground, and we {she} swam! It was quite a day! Emma has been such a little angel this week. She is missing Daddy - but will get to see him tomorrow! We've had a lot of good girl time...our favorite is cuddling together at night before bed!
She is also talking up a storm. She tries to say EVERYTHING you say...so be careful!!! I couldn't even count how many words she knows now! She's really learning how to communicate her needs/wants to us - it's so cute! I HAVE to get a video of her saying please {"peas"}.... She is loving songs now too...her favorites are: "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands...", "Wheels on the Bus", ABC's, and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." So cute!
Oh, one other little bit of news. Emma is starting down the potty-training path! This is not on Mommy or Daddy's urging - but Emma's (shocker, right). I bought her a little pink potty a while ago, and put it in the corner in the bathroom, and suddenly she is super interested in the "poddy." She has gone in it 3 times...but we've had some accidents as well. She now wants her diaper off in the evening and wants to walk {run} around the house naked. I talked to her doctor today, and he said it's early, but as long as it's her timing, it is fine. He said the naked thing is normal, and that is actually helpful to potty train...you just have to clean up a lot of messes along the way :-) Boy, where has time gone! Enjoy!