It has been a busy holiday season this year - but I am happy to report that we are finished with our addition! It is fantastic and we are loving having the extra room to play and to host our entire family for Christmas this year! Emma adores her new play room. But, I must say, it has been a crazy 2-3 weeks leading up to Christmas...with moving out for 10 days to have our floors refinished, and then having to move back in, as well as prepare for the holidays and for company - we are all relieved and glad to have it all done and to finally relax and enjoy! Enjoy a few pictures from our Christmas celebration thus far - and Merry Christmas!
{Emma's Christmas Party at school...she dressed up as a shepherd and walked in a parade!}

{Making Rice Krispy treat ornaments with Grandma Sue!}

{Playing in her new playroom with Daddy [before carpet was installed]}

{Celebrating Granmom & Grandad's 25th Anniversary!}