How old is Emma?

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Well, a new season has arrived {we had one week of cool weather :-)} and change is upon us.  Emma has adjusted tremendously well to her new little brother, and we are all enjoying this new time together.  The holidays are also upon us, and we just want to savor and enjoy them!  {insert lots of Pinterest fall arts & crafts to come!}

Emma is such a big helper - her favorite activity is to help give baby Will a bath!  She helped me tonight in her Cinderella dress!  She seems to understand {most of the time} when Mommy is tied up holding or feeding Will and can't do exactly what Emma wants, when Emma wants it!  I am so very proud of her!  She is loving school - so we are so very thankful for that fun outlet for her!  We are out and about pretty well this time - with several park play dates and errands under our belt.  With having a 3 year old as well as a newborn this time - we can't just stay home {and go crazy} Will has been a trooper!

Enjoy some fall pics of some fun things we've done so far!