Emma turned 9 months old today! She had her 9 month doctor appointment, and is doing very well for her age! Her stats are as follows: Weight - 19 lb 12 oz (70th %), Height - 27 1/2" (50th %), and Head Circumference - 17 7/8 (89th %)! Her doctor said that she is growing very well - and is "her little over-achiever!" Emma was not too fond of the shots, but even less so of the finger prick to get blood to check her iron! Needless to say, she was not a happy camper. But her doctor was impressed that she is pulling up and trying to stand on her own, as well as waving, clapping, giving high fives and kisses, and is eating her solids well!
Emma's fun for the day was opening the refrigerator door by herself! I found her standing at the door looking inside for a snack! It was so funny. She also absolutely LOVES her bath time now - and will chomp at the bit to climb into the tub! And she has begun "dancing!" It is hilarious - she bounces her little knees and booty while standing up and holding onto the couch! Other than that - she is just focused on holding onto your 2 fingers and walking ALL OVER! This child cannot wait to walk! We're having a blast though! Enjoy a funny video and some new pictures of Emma and Casey!
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