We visited Granny & Gramps last weekend in Alabama - and celebrated an early Christmas. Emma, Daddy, Mommy, & Casey drove up in the RV (aka "Arrr Beee") on Thursday night. We had a great visit! Emma especially loved the trampoline, and helping Granny to make biscuits! Casey was awesome...and enjoyed his time with Angel (Granny's dog). He loaded up in the RV Thursday afternoon and didn't budge until at least Gainesville...he wasn't going
to miss this opportunity to travel! Emma did well...loved the cool weather and playing with some new toys. Every time I asked her if she was cold...she would say, "jacket Mommy" - and point to her jacket. Oh well - I try!
Enjoy some pictures of our trip!

{Daddy & Emma installing a new dishwasher for Granny!}

{Making biscuits!}
she is seriously so cute! love the blk/white one! we LOVED getting to see yall friday. i cant believe, between the two (or four) of us, that we didn't manage to get a picture! hugs to all 3 of you! merry christmas!